AMERICANS USA this is how to IMPEACH President DONALD TRUMP and other elective positions


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If you have been think of impeaching Donald Trump then below are the processes/steps/procedures to impeach president Trump.

Let’s start with the House of Representatives
The House Judiciary Committee which decides whether or not to proceed with impeachment. And if they do then President Donald Trump will go through the below impeachment processes/steps/procedures to be out of office.

Chairman of the Judiciary Committee will propose a resolution calling for the Judiciary Committee to begin a formal inquiry into the issue of impeachment.. Mmh.

And based on their inquiry, the Judiciary Committee will send another resolution composed of one or more “Articles of Impeachment” to the full House stating that impeachment is warranted and why or that impeachment is not called for..

Full House (probably operating under special floor rules set by the House Rules Committee) will debate and vote on each Article of Impeachment.
And should any one of the Articles of Impeachment be approved by a simple majority vote, the President will be “impeached.” However, being impeached is sort of like being indicted for a crime. The president will remain in office pending the outcome of the Senate impeachment trial.

In USA the Senate
The Articles of Impeachment are received from the House.
The Senate formulates rules and procedures for holding a trial… Get it?

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This impeachment trial of President Trump will be held with the president represented by his lawyers. A select group of House members serves as “prosecutors.” The Chief Justice of the Supreme Court (currently John G. Roberts) presides with all 100 Senators acting as the jury.

This Senate meets in private session to debate a verdict of impeaching a president.

The Senate, in open session, votes on a verdict. A 2/3 supermajority vote of the Senate will result in a conviction.
The Senate will vote to remove the President from office. That simple.

American Senate may also vote (by a simple majority) to prohibit the President from holding any public office in the future.
Once impeached officials are convicted in the Senate, their removal from office is automatic and may not be appealed. For example in the 1993 case of Nixon v. United States, the U.S. the Supreme Court ruled that the federal judiciary cannot review impeachment proceedings..

Now you know how to impeach president Donald Trump and other elective positions.

You should also know that at the state level, state legislatures can impeach state officials, including governors, in accordance with their respective state constitutions, so if any leader worries you then you know how to remove him.

President Donald Trump good, bad, funny, sad, famous QUOTES

According to the American constitution impeachable Offenses
Article II, Section 4 says, “The President, Vice President and all civil Officers of the United States, shall be removed from Office on Impeachment for, and Conviction of, Treason, Bribery, or other High Crimes and Misdemeanors”.

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