Exclusive Pics Of Inside Dp Ruto Karen House! ! Wow!!

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Do Ruto House
Kenya’s deputy president William Ruto always hosts VIPs at his palatial mansion in Karen. According to numerous media reports, Ruto’s official residence in Karen was built on a 10-acre parcel of land by Kibaki’s government at a cost of 450 million shillings.

The palatial residence seated beautifully in a well-mowed compound was meant to house then VP Kalonzo Musyoka but the Wiper leader never moved in. After Jubilee government came in power in 2013 and DP William Ruto moved into the Ksh450 million house.

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The house comes with an office block, garage, swimming pool, gazebo, generator house, staff residence and a comptroller’s unit among other luxuries that make the DP and his family feel at home. Here are photos from inside the palatial mansion.

Ruto’s House Dp House

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